Monday, March 10, 2014

The Tree.

The Tree.

Dead twigs stab the sky lifelessly,
A woven layer of lichen smothers them,
Its little  tendrils licking hungrily for more sun bleached wood to bore its long roots into and claim for its own,
The leaves wander out onto the wind currents,
The dome shaped canopy swings and sways on its thin but strong holds.


Mahana Kotuku said...

Thats an awesome poem emily-Pip

Mahana Kotuku said...

Great Poem! I love your WOW words they set your poem alive! From Natalie.

Mahana Kotuku said...

good images

Nettie said...

Yes, I agree with all the other comments, it is an awesome poem. I can just imagine the type of tree you are writing about. And amazing presentation for your first blog.