Maths Support


Thanks to Mrs Rolls for putting this lot together...

The Time Matching Game:   - Practise half hour and analog and digital clocks.

Another Time Matching Game - Match the clocks with the correct time.

Telling Time Basketball Game - Telling time to the nearest minute.

Tic Tac Toe Game - Telling time to the nearest minute and using digital and analogue clocks.

Telling the Time - Matching analog and digital clocks.

Clockwise Time Game - Practising o'clock.

What Time Is It? - Matching the time on an analog and digital clock.

Bang on Time - Matching time from an analog and digital clocks.

Stop the Clock - Dragging times to match analog clocks while beating the clock!

Hickory Dickory Dock - Clocks, a mouse and cheese  - half past, quarter past, quarter to and o'clock.

Train Times - Help the mouse catch the right train.

Nash's Adventures - a fun game involving time.

Have fun!


It's important to LEARN your times tables first, then check out this link and try some of the games.

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