Kia ora. We are a bunch of Year 6, 7 and 8 kids at Mahana School, and we're looking forward to sharing our work on this blog.
Please leave us some comments!
Uzis and daisys is our CD the highlights for us were making the CD's and making lots of money. Improvements would be to keep track of our orders better and have product ready. Our business made 680 mahanas.
Maybe a future in the music industry? Great team effort Josh and Jack.
I'm pleased you did so well guys. Even happier that you have learned some valuable lessons about business and will be more prepared in future. Have you remembered my forward order? Not sure if we discussed price or not? Let me know. Mr Searle
Maybe a future in the music industry? Great team effort Josh and Jack.
I'm pleased you did so well guys.
Even happier that you have learned some valuable lessons about business and will be more prepared in future.
Have you remembered my forward order? Not sure if we discussed price or not? Let me know. Mr Searle
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