Tuesday, September 7, 2010

the book worm hide out buissness

Luke.c and I (Hannah.t) did really well in our business we were selling book marks and we made $190 and in real money that would have been $60 that is pretty good and we had lots of people coming back for more at our stall and they were quite impressed with the quality of our stock though some of our most popular book marks sold out so i think that we needed to make maybe a couple more of some of them but Luke and i were really pleased because we had lots of good comments Luke thinks that other stalls were selling quite good stuff and i think that other people did really well too


Mahana Kotuku said...

i think that you did very well hannah.t and luke.c cool!

Kotuku Room said...

You had some lovely designs and your customers have bought a long term item which will be great value for money.
You have learned something about product design and production.
If you have any stock left I would be interested in buying some. Mr Searle