Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Stick it three

Mini market day was sweet.Kristal,Josie and Kate were in stick it three.We made norts and crosses boards.We made 560 dollars. WOW. The school had a competition who could make the most money. We came second and got 15 dollars in real money. So we got 5 dollars each. We had a awesome time.


Kotuku Room said...

I was particularly impressed with your business girls. You always looked to be beavering away making product when I visited your classroom. On the day, you had plenty of stock to sell and worked steadily, selling your high quality product at a fairly high price. You should be proud of your achievements.
Well organised, dedicated quiet achievers. By Mr Searle

The Huxfords said...

Well done girls, a useful, creative & fun product. Congratulations on your reward! Mum xx