Thursday, April 10, 2014


Vince Ford

 The car gradually picked up momentum. It left the drive and rolled down the grassy slope, picking up speed as it headed for the river at the bottom. "Awwww no," I groaned, but I hadn't seen the incinerator.

2MUCH4U is a fun and quirky story about Davin who is a normal boy who made a couple of (very stupid) mistakes and is trying to make them right. This book includes wild dogs, frisky stallions and a WHOLE  load of trouble.

Vince Ford is a fantastic writer and he really understands kids literature, he is a kiwi writer and shows it in his writing. He has written other books such as Jonty and Choc, Tribal Ash and Dog on Trial.

We would recommend it to 10 year olds up (this book contains some naughty words.) We rated this  book 4 out of 5 stars.
Overall its a fabulous funny book.
By Lottie, Lucy, Sapphira

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