Thursday, September 6, 2012

Food at the Marae

Food at the Marae
Mmmmmmmmmmm Pizza, Sausage rolls, Salad, Rice, Bacon and Egg pies 
Sorry, I could go on forever. Anyway back to the point now I am here to tell you all about the food at the Marae in Motueka. Here goes. We all piled into the dinner place for dinner there were two long tables with chairs all down the sides the teachers thought It looked like Hogwarts of Harry Potter
 and on another table was all the food.We grabbed a plate and tucked In.

As I munched into the last bite of my pizza I swear I couldn't eat another bite.

Again we rushed into the eating place for breakfast. There were Milos, Weet-Bix, Peaches,Fruit and much more. My breakfast was Weet-Bix ,Peaches, a Milo and Toast with Jam YUM.
That's my food report from the Motueka Marae.

By Meila

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