Thursday, July 11, 2013

Jonathans Writing.

One day in the winter holidays in Toronto, Canada, I went to my dad's friend's house. It was really cold, so we were sitting by the fire watching TV when I had an idea,"How about we drive the remote-control car on the pool?". When we got dressed we went out with the car.

The car was made of a base shape but had connectors so we could change the shape of it. It also had many awesomely funky accessories worth about $ 49.99.
So, when my turn came, I drove the r.c. car over the dodgy ice.
Some times the ice broke right behind it so it looked like the deadly cracks in the ice were chasing it. Eventually we drove it over the ice so much that there was almost no ice left!

Then, after about two hours of watching TV, making Lego things and playing hide and seek around the house, we went out again to drive the car. It was his turn to drive it over the dangerous endurance pool so I took a hasty step back (you can tell how he drives). So he started driving the car over the ice but one thing he didn't know was that the ice in the deep end was about 0.5 mm thick, meaning that when he drove it over the deep end of the pool there it goes!

We heard cracking and snapping so we turned around but saw nothing unusual, but then we turned back and saw nothing there ether, no car, no ice, no nothing! There was utter confusion for what was two seconds but felt like two hours! We both looked down into the water simultaneously and saw a trail of bubbles coming from the carwreck! Accidentally he touched the water and somehow got an electric shock (Guess how.).

We stood utter disappointment when he had a crazy idea to jump in to the water to get it. "But you'll freeze!"I said, but what I didn't know was that the swimsuit was insulated. Then up he goes, onto the diving board, ready to jump (into freezing cold water). "3,2,1, Jump!" we shouted and he jumped in...

I waited for what was only 5 seconds but felt like 5 years. Then I heard splashing and cracking then finally up he comes. "It was very cold even with the insulated swimsuit," he said, "And I kept on being shocked! And for the car, Well, I don't know, no harm on trying it out." So we drive it and... It worked!

Because of the little incident we decided not to drive any more cars over the pool (ever!).
 I don't know why, but I found it an extraordinarily  incredibly funny experience.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow! That must have been shocking!
From Ella