Friday, April 19, 2013

My dad cooking on the barbecue

I love to watch my dad cooking meet on the barbecue. My dad likes me to help him with the barbecue. Bringing empty plates in and taking plates out full of good. When my dad ignites the barbecue and spreads the oil on it starts to spit and sizzle and fly on my skin, it stings for a second then the flame dies out and the pain goes away. He then flops the meet on the barbecue with the spatula and the spit and sizzle come back but dies away quickly. Once the meet  is cooked in the middle dad will turn the barbecue off and plate up. "This will be delicious " dad says with a smile on his face. "It smells really good" i say "bet it taste better then it smells" mum said. We all sit down and compliment dad as we eat the delicious meet my dad has cooked. "I wish i could cook as good as you can on the barbecue " i said.


Anonymous said...


Nettie said...

Hi Eylish I love how you have described your BBQ - It makes me want to come for tea at your place!

Anonymous said...

Yummy! does the food taste good? I WANT SOME!