Monday, January 30, 2017


TOUR BUILDER is a new way to showcase 
places you have visited. 

I've made an example TB that shows a snippet 
of my summer experiences.

Ngā mihi ki te Kura o Hauraki mō te ranga wairua.
Thanks to Hauraki School for the inspiration.


Sandra said...

Is that Ninety Mile Beach, Whaea Jane? I wonder why they called it that when it is not actually 90 miles long. Did you find out?

Anonymous said...

Hey Mrs Rolls...great to hear from you. I've heard that Ninety Mile Beach got its name because back in the day, people could cover about 30 miles a day on took three days to travel from one end of the beach to the other...therefore the name was born. Not sure where this story originates from, or if it's legit. Also, the maths didn't quite add up because they didn't take in to account the slower progress from walking along sand. Stay in touch.