On Friday
we had an around the world day.
Were we had to dress up in a country of choice ( but from the world cup of course!!) and dress up in either their colours, costume, or both!
We had kids from all sorts of places but what the most popular place was??
I was Samoa an i wore a sarong with a flower necklace.
P.s i only found out about it the day before note the lame costumes!
It was really cool because we got into our buddies then joined with another pair then we had to make a wearable arts piece in 20Min's with anything we liked, but it had to represent a country ( from the world cup )
My group couldn't decide on the country in the end we did France.
In about the last 10 Min's our group made a beret type thing out of cardboard with an Eiffel tower on top tied around the chin with red fabric/ribbon stuff.
i know that sounds bad but it wasn't actually so bad if you looked at it from far away.
sorry i don't have any photos!
Yes I agree, it was a fun day. I was particularly impressed with the way everyone got stuck in to the WOW activity.
And by the way, a wee suggestion that you proofread your blog postings - A1 quality chick all the way!
Yep, great improvement.
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