Sunday, July 4, 2010

Georgia's Holiday!

Hello Mahana! I'm enjoying my holiday in Hong Kong lots! I don't have any pictures to post yet, but please bear with my decriptions!
The buldings are massive! Way taller than the Sky Tower! Every night at 8.00 pm, they light them up with flashing lights and lasers, this is called the light show.
It is 8.20 am at the moment, and the time differnce beetween N.Z and Hong Kong has confused me heaps. The heat made me think it was late in the afternoon, but really in was 7.00 in he morning! And coming from a place where it gets really dark at 6.00, to a place where it is still light at 6.00, is very weird.
It is sweltering hot over here, love to hear how the weather is for you guys.
More Markets today, Ocean park tomorrow and I hope you guys are enjoyng your holidays as well.
Miss you guys so much!

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