1:Swimming in the pool
3:Read a book
4:Invite a friend around.
5:Go for a boat ride
6:Go for a bike ride
7:Picnic with friends
8:Play with lego
9:Stuff your face with food
11:Jump off a wharf
12:Go for a walk
14:Play in a sprinkler
15:Go to a playground
16:Listen to music
17:Make Christmas decorations
19:Waterfight with friends
20:Climb a tree
21:Make a hut
22:Put up Christmas tree
24:Have a nana nap
25:Learn a musical instrument
26:Play with pets
27:Invent something
28:Go down the creek
29:Slide down a bank
30:Go fishing
31:Go Eeling
32:Do parkour
33:Go to the skate park
34:Make a stink bomb
35:Play Soccer
36:Play Beach cricket
37:Play a Board game
39:Play Palago
41:Dress up
42:Pull prank calls
43:Dress up as an old guy and buy a big wednesday ticket
44:Bike down to the dairy and get an ice cream
45:Make a marble track
46:Make an appreciation card
47:Make a poi
48:Earn money
49:Do art
51:Write a story