Friday, September 22, 2017

Bubble Art

This afternoon with our tuakana teina time we did a collaborative piece of art. We created bubbles because we try to keep everybody's bubble afloat rather than burst them.

Thursday, September 21, 2017

String Shapes

Today we made shapes out of string. We got put into groups of three or four,  then we got a piece of paper with some shapes we had to try to make. Some of the shapes were a square, cube and a star. The 3D  shapes were hard and some of the group did not complete them.

Hula Hoop Activity NCLI

Today we had No Child Left Inside but it was raining so we did it inside. We did a really cool activity where you had to make a hula hoop house and crawl through it. Also we made a huge tower with three on top of each other.