Sunday, April 30, 2017

Using Screencastify

Kia ora

Here are a few videos to help you get started using Screencastify which videos your computer screen together with any speaking you do. This is a useful tool for teaching new skills, or to show off what you have learned.

Watch these videos in order to see how to add screencastify to your chromebook, use the Math Trainer for times tables practise, and then how to share your screencast to your blog. Good luck.
 Add Screencastify to Chromebook.
Remember to give your screencast a title.

Using the Math Trainer.

Upload Screencast to Blog

Monday, April 3, 2017

Another Zoom In Story...

Photo Credit: mitchell haindfield Flickr via Compfight cc

Please feel free to start a story in the comments...

SBC - Week 3 - Activity 7 - Zoom Out

This activity needs your help. 

You are invited to build on to the story by adding a comment. This means you need to zoom out of the image below with your who is holding the ice cream? What else might be in the picture if you zoomed out a bit? What might happen next?
Be sure to read others' comments first, and continue the story, by zooming out even further. We could build an amazing story. Give it a go!

So, here is the start of the story...

A delicious ice cream with raspberry sauce, sprinkles...AND a flake on top.

Photo Credit: Sean MacEntee Flickr via Compfight cc

Creative Commons Again

So, it seems that even though there are billions of images on the internet, they are not all free for the taking. Who knew?

Here is a post about 'Images, Copyright and Creative Commons' by Sue Waters that will help us to get appropriate images that we have the go-ahead to use. 

 This image of Cape Reinga has the appropriate attribution details.
Photo Credit: Jaafar Alnasser Photography Flickr via Compfight cc