On Friday my family and my friend went to see the movie African cats, and look around the suter art gallery!
African cats was amazing!
I loved it how it just focused on the two different cat families not a whole bunch.
The main characters were... ( the cheetah family) Sita and her cubs, ( the lions) A lioness from the river pride and her cub Mara, Fang ( the river prides leader, male ), Callie and his four sons ( the north prides leaders).
This is an amazing story, I think it is really great how they gave the animals names it made them more real and interesting.
Even though this is rated G I think that its probably not good for younger kids, me and my friend had our eyes covered a lot.
African cats, is very intense, but it makes you realize what they have to go through and how tough it must be!
I really in joyed this movie.
I really in courage you to go and see African Cats!
At the suter they had an amazing exhibition on, all about human hair through history, Featuring a lady called "Victoria Mclntosh" And how she expresses her feeling through art and hair!
Victoria was adopted.
She has always felt like she doesn't fit in with her family, because she has
auburn hair and her family doesn't.
Since Victoria doesn't know anything about her history what she does is finds things in op shops or vintage stores and she collects them things people no longer want, with a hidden history.
What she does with these is amazing she creates them into her own by threading or attaching her hair into them, and turning them into art.
This collection of art work she has called " My invented history"
One of the pieces was an old christening gown, victoria has made buttons out of her hair , and threaded her hair around the sleeves and neck line, it looks amazing yet so simple.
But its good to know that she still loves her family very much and is very happy with them!
I think she is amazing!
I also learned some other interesting facts!
Did you know?
.In the olden days they made cufflinks out of a loved ones hair!
.In the olden days they would use the hair from a girls first hair cut, for her first china doll!
If you don't know what to do, one weekend try looking around the suitor or going to african cats
trust me its well worth it!