Friday, June 26, 2009


when matariki came round mahana was ready and waiting for it.
organising a hangi for friday

Thursday, June 25, 2009

this is a photo in x-ray mode on photo booth
The all blacks look like they just won the Tri Nations or the Air New Zealand cup


Mahana knows if you can dream it you can do it just like Toyota

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Should Matariki become a holiday?

Its like Christmas, so why not have days off?
The stars are special, if you want to see them you need a day off?
It's important, it's not random.
It's a tradition.
It's a family time to have with families.
If the English get to celebrate new year, so can Maori.
It's a special day for New Zealand.
Other countries have more holidays, we need to catch up.

It might make people get drunk and behave badly, like New Years.
It effects business.
People won't get paid that day.

Why doesn't John Key want a holiday?
National may not be worried about it.
How many of our public holidays are Maori holidays?

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Symmetry in Motion

Can you spot who has made which bug? Each of the bugs has someones name in it.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Today we made sushi. It was easier than I thought and really rather tasty especially when it's dipped in some soy sauce. Today Keegan tried sushi for the very first time, and he had this to say, "It's really good!" Yay - good on you Keegs - for trying something new.