Saturday, December 27, 2008

honey,honey and more honey!!!!!!!!!! gypsy loves to clean the honey off Dads gummies

Friday, December 5, 2008

Summer is here!!

Today was the first day we could use the pool this summer. What fun! It was definitely warmer than other places we have swum in recently (Cleopatra's Pool and Anchorage). Yay, roll on summer!!

Volleyball action

Last week, Allan Brodie came to teach us some volleyball skills. He showed us how to set, dig and spike. Good skills were learned!

Entertaining the RSA

We were fortunate to be invited to entertain the RSA people at their luncheon recently. We practiced before hand to make sure we were going to be great (and smiling)! The performance went really well, the audience seemed to really enjoy our stuff!

Thursday, December 4, 2008


I have just spent 5 fabulous days in Sydney with my sisters and cousins (all girls), so that we could celebrate my Auntie's 80th birthday. This event happened kind of in memory of my Mum who would have turned 80 in November as well.
I did most of the driving in a wicked-as car, a Toyota Aurion. We talked a lot, sang songs together, and ate heaps of food!

The 'white house' belongs to my Auntie, and is right on the waterfront - it's gorgeous!

This was certainly a weekend to remember, and we even got to see the Sydney Opera House and the Harbour Bridge.

Whaea Jane